尼龙衬板的应用领域: 可广泛应用于采矿业、选煤厂、冶金工业、热电厂、造船业等部门的输送液体、固体、固液混合体的漏斗、漏槽、翻板、刮板输送机的滑道、跳汰机筛板、浮选机衬板、船舶货舱内衬板、大型滑块、矿车、翻斗车车厢衬里等的耐磨耐腐应用,具有物超所值的独特优势。
Application: nylon lining plate can be widely used in mining, coal preparation plant, metallurgical industry, power plant, shipbuilding and other departments of the transportation of liquid and solid, solid-liquid mixturefunnel, groove, turning plate, scraper conveyerslideway, jig sieve, flotation machine lining board, ship cargo liner large plate, slider, cars, car dumper lining and wear-resistant corrosion-resistant applications, has unique advantages for the.